FAMILY PLANNING 101 - Things that you misunderstood
With the advancement of technology, myths, false news and incorrect traditional beliefs can be spread in split seconds and whether to believe or not to believe are always the question we ask ourselves. In the context of oral contraceptives, there are also myths and misconceptions around the social medias, and we are here to reveal the truths.
Many women have doubts on oral contraceptive pills mainly due to the breast cancer risk that was widely discussed. This is why numerous researches have been carried out on the association of breast cancer with the use of oral contraceptive pills to address this widespread concern among women community. Among the many research, most research reports no association between breast cancer risk and oral contraceptive pills intake regardless currently taking or formerly taken the pills. The reason being the doses of hormones in the modern days’ pills are lower than the pills in the past thus the cancer risk are much lowered and insignificant.
On the other hand, oral contraceptive pills not only will not increase breast cancer risk, but they can also even decrease the risk of certain cancers such as ovarian cancers, endometrial cancers, and even colorectal cancers. The results of studies are very promising as the reduction in the incidence rate for pill-takers are found out to be 30-50% in ovarian cancers and 20% in colorectal cancers.
Most women have a common misconception where they think birth control pills can cause weight gain. According to studies, the association between birth control and weight gain is minimal or non-existent.
Older generations of oral contraceptive pills contain higher level of hormones such as oestrogen that might induce fluid retention that leads to weight gain. However, in the modern days, the pills contain lower level of hormone thus less likely to cause weight gain.
In the event of weight gain when taking oral contraceptive pills, most of the cases are due to the fluid retention in the women’s body that increases the weight through water instead of fat particularly in the breasts, hips, and thighs. Even though in some cases the hormones might affect the fat tissues in women’s body, they usually increase the size of the fat (adipose) cells rather than creating more adipose cells.
At the end of the day, weight gain is rare in modern and new oral contraceptives and even if it happens, the weight gain is usually minimal and lasts for less than 3 months!
If you are one of the fellow oral contraceptive pill users, being on the pill does not make it harder for you to get pregnant later. In fact, it is possible to rapidly being able to conceive again after ceasing the pills. In a review that contains several studies on the rate of conception after stopping contraception, oral contraceptive produced promising results with a rate of 87% conceptions after stopping the pills.
According to an Obstetrics & Gynaecology organisation, O & G Australia, most women will gain back natural levels of hormone production level very rapidly after stopping the pills. For a normal cycle to return, it takes few days up to a year for the cycle to return back to normal. Studies suggest that 79% - 96% of women can conceive within 12 months after stopping the oral contraceptives.
When compared with other types of contraception methods, oral contraceptives show superiority in the return of the normal hormonal activity within women’s body as compared to other methods. For instance, contraceptive injection needs anywhere from 6-9 months for the hormones to fully leave your body, and even longer to return to normal cycles.
With all that being said, almost all types of birth control methods will only stop women from conceiving while they are on the treatment, they will not affect the natural fertility of users in long term.
Now we have reached the end of the article. Hopefully, this article gives you more insight and knowledge on the correct information about oral contraceptive pills. Do you still have any questions regarding OCPs? Consult our online pharmacists for free HERE! You can also get a FREE OXWHITE premium cloth mask and FREE OCPs DELIVERY!
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