In today’s society, pregnancy tests are used often by women as they’re accessible at one’s fingertips at community pharmacies without a prescription. Did you know Malaysia’s 2021 total fertility rate is 1.7 babies born to every woman within 15-49 years old through confirmations from pregnancy tests? 10 Thus, it is vital to be knowledgeable, up to date with the latest information on pregnancy tests. Scroll down to read more about it!
How does a pregnancy test work? 1,2,3
Pregnancy test determines a woman's pregnancy by detecting a hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine and blood. The hCG hormone is generated from cells developing into placenta after implantation of fertilised egg to the uterine lining and only produced during pregnancy with rapid elevation of hCG hormones in the beginning.
Signs that you should take a pregnancy test 2,3,4
Take it if you:
- cramps
- swollen, tender breasts
- fatigue, exhaustion
- frequent urination
- morning sickness (nausea and vomiting)
- abdomen bloating
- light bleeding or spotting
- unusual hunger or cravings
When is it ideal to take a pregnancy test? 1,3,5,6
The ideal time to take the test is on the first day of the missed period or one week after as they demonstrate accurate results. If you’re unsure when’s your next period, do the test 21 days from last unprotected sex. It’s also best to take in the morning as the urine will be concentrated with the build-up of hCG hormones leading to high likelihood of positive result.
It’s also advised to not take it too early as the hCG hormones level may be too low for the test to detect which leads to an inaccurate reading. This is because the hCG hormones will only produce 6 days after fertilisation of sperm and egg.
Do's & Don'ts for at-home pregnancy test 8,9
If it’s done under the urine stream, it results in an unreliable result due to the insufficient urine to detect hCG hormones and high probability of dropping into the toilet.
Never assume that you recall everything from past pregnancy tests if done before.
When the test strip is soaked for too long, there’s a possibility of evaporation line (second line) being faintly visible as urine dries up which you start assuming you’re pregnant even though you’re not. Hence, set a timer to the designated time, remove the test strip once rings and read the results.
It may not identify the rise of hCG hormones precisely.
Excess fluids cause dilution of urine (pale yellow or clear colour) which consist of diluted levels of hCG hormones, resulting in biassed negative results.
Accuracy of at-home pregnancy tests 1,3,6,7,8,9,11
At-home pregnancy tests are claimed to be 97%-99% accurate when used correctly. Consequently, there are factors which need to be considered to ensure optimal accuracy:
All pregnancy tests are not equally sensitive as some are more sensitive to hCG hormones and can be taken before missed period (as early as 8 days after fertilisation).
It’s unlikely that you’re pregnant if you obtained a negative result. If you’re still worried you might be pregnant, take another test in a few days’ time or speak to your doctor to reconfirm as tests taken by them are rarely inaccurate.
The doctor can conduct a blood test to detect the hCG levels in the bloodstream earlier, within one week of fertilisation compared to at-home pregnancy tests. Thus, the blood tests are more reliable with 99% accuracy.
The likelihood of obtaining a false positive is less than 1%. The main reason is due to user errors. There are some other circumstances which also cause false positives such as:
The probability of receiving a false negative result is up to 5% due to user errors. The most common user error is testing for pregnancy too early.
Now we have reached the end of the article. Hopefully, this article gives you more insight and knowledge on the correct information about oral contraceptive pills. Do you still have any questions regarding OCPs? Consult our online pharmacists for free HERE! You can also get a FREE OXWHITE premium cloth mask and FREE OCPs DELIVERY!
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